Personal Injury Law Firm in Ontario has been a pioneering force in the field of neuro-litigation of the children. The firm always focuses on the serious personal injury neuro- trauma cases of the children. Our firm has proven its Usefulness in thousands of cases that were resolved by arbitration, mediation and trial. The effects of brain injury on children differ in several ways from the effect on an injured adult. Injury may alter the course of development of the brain and function of the child as the child’s brain is still developing. As the child’s brain is less set than the adults it takes long time it no longer work well.
The effect of the brain injury on the child may not be seen directly after the injury but only become apparent in the child’s life when during the course of the development, affected skills are called. For example abstract thinking may not be evident in proper age. Subsequently such problems are dealt with inappropriately as if they are due to learning disabilities or emotional causes. This misperception of the teachers, parents and the others can devastate the child. A child will suffer in two ways: feeling diminished or confused because no one knows what is really wrong and the other is being damaged as learner because no one can nurture learning based on individual understanding.
Falls are the most common cause of minor head injury in children, followed by motor vehicle crashes, pedestrian and bicycle accidents, sports-related trauma, and child abuse. The risk of brain injury varies with the severity of the trauma. There are low force injuries like short falls, hit by low speed etc have a low risk of brain injury. In comparison, incidents that have a higher risk of brain injury include high speed motor vehicle accidents, falls from great height, inflicted injury such as vigorous shaking typically etc.
If your child is the victim of brain injury visits Personal injury Law Firm in Ontario. To know more details contact us at 416-977-9637