What are common types of bicycle accident injuries?

We are well known in Ontario cycling community. We have already represented a large number of injured cyclists. We are active members of many bicycle clubs as well as sponsor many competitive riders. We also represent professional cyclists. Sometimes we paddle the route of our bike to reach the client’s injury location or drive the route by car to get the better sense of the scenario. If necessary we also consult with the bicycle experts to testify about road conditions, cycling speed and other factors related to each accident. We handle bicycle cases throughout Ontario and we are reachable to all our Ontario clients as we are in touch with 18 locations from San Diego to Santa Rosa.

The most common types of bicycle injuries sustained by the motor cycle accident riders are the lower limb injuries which often lead to extended and costly medical treatment and permanent disability. Fractures were the most common lower edge injury and were diagnosed in 52% and 42% of riders with fatal or non fatal injuries respectively. About one third of all fractures were to the tibia or fibula. In regard to risk for lower extremity injuries there is no difference between drivers and passengers. The highest risk for lower extremity fractures was found among the riders in broadside collisions in which another vehicle struck the motorcycle. Other common bicycle accident injuries are head injuries which causes the brain to move around the skull. This leads to stretching and squeezing the brain tissue and blood vessels. A rapid acceleration and deceleration of the head for the shearing forces is another type of bicycle accident injury.

We are very sincere and sensitive to the claims of injured bicyclists. We are prepared to fight for our cyclist victims who have been hit by a car or truck. In many cases bicycle accidents result from a motorist’s negligence or inattentiveness while operating his or her vehicles. The following are some of the common types of collisions that a cyclist may be injured in:

  • A motor vehicle driver turning in front  of a bicyclist
  • A  driver of a vehicle entering the street  from a driveway or parking spot and pulls out into traffic in front of the bicyclist.
  • A motorist’s failure to yield at an intersection or running a stop sign or red light.
  • A motorist’s inattention while driving past a bicyclist.
  • An automobile driver is under the influence of alcohol or drug.

Our professionally trained staff members scrutinize the bicycle injury cases and where possible closely explore the damages that occurred to the bicycle such as chipped paint, stressed metals, bent wheel and torn brake pads. We also examine the remains of a bike wreck and seek to counter motorists’ typical claims that the cyclist was speeding or pressed the brake levers too firmly or changed the direction abruptly into traffic.

Contact our motorcycle accident injury law offices at Personal Injury Law Firm in California calling 416-977-9637.